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Androif Ice Cream Sandwich Arrives on Nexus S in the Next Weeks

Android Ice Cream Sandwich Arrives on Nexus S in the Next Weeks
The owners of a Samsung Nexus S smartphone will be able to enjoy an update to the latest flavor of Google’s mobile operating system, namely Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich.

According to the latest rumors on the web, the smartphone will get a taste of the new OS iteration in the coming weeks.

Both Nexus S and Nexus S 4G
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"Androif Ice Cream Sandwich Arrives on Nexus S in the Next Weeks" Was posted by 09.21, under Android, Gadget, LG, News and permalink https://bestjorney.blogspot.com/2012/03/androif-ice-cream-sandwich-arrives-on.html.

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